*Originally posted to my FB page.
Wow. Unbelievable. What they say in the news and in Congress and up at the White House is true. Of course we knew it. But sometimes ya just wanna think...naaah, my stuff can't be triggerin' the lefties. But, it's true.
Anyway. Just thought I'd entertain you all with this stuff. Validates POTUS for sure.
Just got an email from one Robert of FB Global Marketing Solutions that my pinned Welcome post everyone sees at the top, and has been "boosted" (i.e. paid ad) a number of times since Spring, was rejected just now after trying to boost it about 45 minutes ago. Just thought I'd cast the page out into the waters for a day to see what bites. Turns out, Facebook bites. Ha! See what I did there?
Here's his reply:
Hi R.L.,
My team would not be approving this Ad. You cant insult people in an Ad "random stuff for the non-snowflakes". Please make the necessary edits. As well this Ad is not Political. Please remove the check mark.
Facebook, Global Marketing Solutions
My reply:
Really? You're serious? The phrase "non-snowflakes" is verboten?
Unbelievable. So what they say is true.
Return reply:
Please review our Ad Policies
Have a great day.
Facebook, Global Marketing Solutions
How 'bout that, folks? They really ARE...snowflakes. And the phrase "snowflakes" is a perjorative to them akin to the so-called "N-word". Can't say snowflake, snowflakes, monkey, triggered and countless more.
The left are tearing down statues, using intimidation and violence and technology to censor and suppress opposing views and ideas and they're concerned over the phrase "snowflakes". They're the American Taliban for cryin' out loud. Can their version of Farenheit 451 be far behind tearing down statues as they feverishly work to revise history or completely erase it and suppress opposing views?
They can't even handle some mild humor at their expense. Take themselves WAY too seriously, man.
George Orwell, meet the "progressive" liberals, the Democrats, the socialists, Big...Brother.
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