Rasputin's Liver's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 14 of 55 in Wall Photos

One of the major things I consider these days when casting my vote is where a candidate stands regarding the "soft invasion" by radical muslims into Western Civilization and in particular the USA. That goes alongside, of course, with the overt invasion by the Mexican/Latino/Hispanic or whatever the hell they call themselves en masse coming across our Southern border. All of which are supported by the treasonous no-borders, pro-NWO globalist anti-American left/Democrats.

The soft invasion throughout Western Civilization by those who hate us, especially the USA, and refuse to assimilate and become, American, Canadian, British, German, etc. and respect, love and protect their new countries and cultures must be stopped in their tracks before it's too late. Although I personally think it's already too late for Europe.

muslims in particular in general are just not suited to live in Western Civilization. And I do NOT want I and my children and their children to end up living in a worldwide muslim caliphate which has been the wet dream of muslims since their pedophile founder.

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