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"REVEALED: Kavanaugh's judge mother ruled against his accuser's parents in a 1996 bid to force family home into foreclosure: Unearthed court papers spark claims the sex assault allegation "could be borne of a grudge"

Well, well, well. I think this adds something to the mix and makes Judge Kavanaugh's accuser's 11th hour claim even less credible.

And why was the woman's various social media accounts suddenly "scrubbed" just before she allowed her name to be released?

Hmm, things that make ya wonder, 'eh.

Nope. Not buyin' this one in the least. Another high-tech lynching.

We've seen the left/Democrats use mere ALLEGATIONS of decades old SUPPOSED sexual "misdeeds" as political weapons over the last two years.

And we know how VERY DESPERATE the left/Democrats are to bring down President Trump. And will do so By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) with zero care about the collateral damage to those around him or those he puts forward for a given position in government.

And given how the left/Democrats have whipped up the #MeToo "movement", without a care even for those on their own side who get caught up in it, they are happy using unsubtantiated, unprovable allegations to destroy innocent people as long as they can somehow impact or bring down Donald J. Trump and his administration.

Yes, there are times when such allegations by a woman are true. But we also have read and heard where many times women have lied about such things, often just as mere spite toward those they accuse.

Judge Kavanaugh's had thorough background checks over the years relative to his high level positions in the justice system. Never a problem.

Sen. Feinstein held onto this allegation for many months, never bringing it up during the recent hearings nor when she met with judge Kavanaugh privately.

The accuser, a "doctor" within the higher education system in California had the university "help" her prepare her allegation.

Too, again, it's been noted her various social media platforms have gone through a "scrubbing" just before she allowed her name to go public. Why? What posts, what comments, would she and those helping her forward the 11th hour allegation to derail President Trump's SCOTUS nominee that might give us a clue of her background and likely intent are she and her conspirators trying to hide?

Remember, the rabid desperation of the left/Democrats to bring down President Trump and/or stop his agenda, especially in putting judges onto the SCOTUS that aren't radical left activist Democrats, is endless.

In this particular case and at this late time in judge Kavanaugh's nomination and in the way Feinstein FINALLY made this suspicious allegation known very clearly and loudly says...LIES.

Remember, BAMN.

* SEE ARTICLE HERE: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6177971/Kavanaughs-mother-ruled-against-accusers-father-1996-court-case.html#comments /


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