Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 255 of 621 in Wall Photos

After every ten year US Census, the 435 seats in the US House of Representatives gets divided up based on population numbers. Based on the 2010 Census, a member of Congress represented 770,000... Soooo, if you had a Sanctuary City where 770,000 Illegal Aliens filled out the US Census, then that Sanctuary City was given a Seat in the US Congress and since ALL SANCTUARY CITIES ARE DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED, EVERY TIME 770,000 ILLEGALS FILL OUT THE CENSUS, THE DEMOCRATS GET ANOTHER SEAT IN CONGRESS!

When we talk about Illegal Aliens impacting elections, typically folks think about voter fraud, which is a serious issue. BUT, what most miss is that concentrations of illegals filling out the US Census guarantees seats in the US Congress for the Democrats...

Illegal immigrants have become the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON in the Democratic Party's arsenal!