Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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Gods News 4~2Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick. *
September 25th,2019. Studied with the King James Bible


Sargent Vaughn heard a familiar voice telling him “Their ready for attack. I got your back son.” A voice he often heard before his Lord guided him in combat against the evil ones. The soldiers with hearts filled with evil and souls devoured by Satan proceeded to open rapid fire upon his platoon, forcing his platoon to drop down. As bullets flew inches from his helmet, Sargent Vaughn heard the familiar voice again, “I GOT YOUR BACK,” So, he bowed down on his knees and prayed, “Lord, I pray in your name to protect and shield me from the death that surrounds me, and please forgive me Lord, I do not want to kill in my defense , in your name Lord I pray, amen.”

The ISIS army had advanced overnight towards the medical camp Private Vaughn was protecting. So far the enemy soldiers had killed four of his men and many Christians, along with others who would not convert their faith in God to serve their religion of peace. Sargent Vaughn’s target became vulnerable to attack with intent for capture. Targets name was Lieutenant Mohole Hussar, Head of ISIS special intelligence operations for ISIS. But just when the capture was in play, a mass rush of ISIS soldiers stormed the medical camp Sargent Vaughn was protecting. So far, the enemy soldiers had killed four of his men and many Christians, along with others who would not bow to Mohammed and serve their religion of peace. Then Just when his platoon was about to be run over, Gods mighty air force flew over the perimeter taking out the thousands of ISIS soldiers.

Vaughn is a soldier, but he's also a man whose heart aches and cries over all the fallen soldiers of Satan's evil army he's had to kill in combat, after their forces invaded other countries. These soldiers were murdering and raping their woman and children, killing anyone that tries to fight them. These evil soldiers tortured and murdered all in the name of a false religion of peace. These soldiers truly believe their race has God given rights to control the world using human slaves. A few months later Sargent Vaughn had finished his tour of duty. His heart ached from taking human lives in combat, even though he knew his Father God has forgiven him for it. He didn’t want to go on another tour if ever called upon to do it again, but in his mind he was still ready to protect humanity from the evil all around them at all cost, even if it meant he ‘d need to kill again.

You see folks, Vaughn knew God would forgive him because God Himself had wars, and death is what war is all about. Sargent Vaughn had knowledge about the many wars mentioned in God’s word. He knew God needed soldiers like him to defend His Children’s right to live in freedom. He knew his Father God used Christian soldiers much like himself all throughout mankind’s history, to avenge the death of many fallen Christians who’d been murdered by these soldiers of darkness known as ISIS. See> (Romans 13:4) 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

My Final thoughts this morning will be this prayer.
Lord let us all pray.
Lord, please watch the backs of your soldiers as their presently overseas fighting a war against Satan and his evil soldiers. Lord, let them understand you don’t condone killing another human, but war is war and death is part of war. Let their minds be at ease and their souls rest, being assured that killing their enemies in combat is to protect their God given rights for people to live in a free country, and free to worship their Father God. To be free to live in God’s peace and harmony they wouldn’t have, if men like Sargent Vaughn weren't putting their lives on the line in battle every day, defending and protecting peace and freedom on earth. And Lord in your name, I ask you to guide them as you've always guided Vaughn during combat, watching over their backs as God’s soldiers of freedom, in your name Jesus Christ we all do pray. Amen.

Rev James Erick
There is a time and season for everything, including war (Ecclesiastes 3:8). 8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

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