Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~This weekend Inspirational. Written by Rev James Erick
October 26, 2019. Studied with the King James Bible


Has anyone ever come right out asking you "why you’re always talking about Jesus being the only way to go to Heaven?" Did you tell them to say these things and live your life for Him because your Lord Jesus Christ, commands you to do so? Then after you told them these things, did they ask you how you know God wants His children to preach about Him to others, teaching them how to be Christians, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? See> (Acts 1:8), 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth… After you told them, did they ask how you are able to live a Christian lifestyle with all the hell around you? Did you tell them it would be impossible to live a lifestyle that was pleasing to your Father in Heaven without His Son Jesus? See> (Matthew 19:26) 26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible… Then did you let them know it is with Jesus Christ’s help and guidance you are able to live as your Father God wills you to live? For Him and with all His righteousness?

My Final Thoughts
Okay folks, so, we know if we didn’t strive to live our lives as Jesus lived His, helping and teaching others about God’s good news, our Father God will not accept us into His heavenly dwelling place. For me that says enough and since I’ve learned this, I strive hard to live it each day. I know that I’ll never be perfect in God’s eyes, but I also know God doesn’t expect me to be. He knows that I love Him, and I live to serve him in the best way my weak sinful human life can possibly serve Him.

Let us all pray together.
Dear Lord, we graciously come to you this morning knowing that without your help, we probably wouldn't be viewing this or praying right now. We would be living in sin with no Savior to come save our souls, because we wouldn’t have found you and accepted you as our: Lord and our Savior. So, this morning we thank you Lord, we thank you Lord, for making our life here possible to serve and honor our Father God’s will for us. In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.

Rev James Erick