Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
October 31st,2019. Studied with the King James Bible


I’m sure most of us agree the two most important days of our lives are our birthday and the day we pass away, thus meeting our Father God face to face for the first time. Imagine how perfect a super Spiritual being God must be. Wow, just got God’s goosebumps thinking about the last day I’ll be stuck in this human body, with my spiritual being finally being free. This keeps my mind right. assuring me God’s Holy Spirit is real and powerful. God’s presence also give me the assurance that on my final day here on earth, I’ll be going up to Heaven rather than down into the pits of hell. ‘Now folks,” don’t you agree that every child of God needs to make a personal goal between God and themselves to make every day as or more important than their previous days? Everyday we need to start in prayer telling our Father God we love and thank Him for giving us His Son Jesus Christ to be our Lord, our Savior, our counselor and our guide. For with His help we can maintain our daily activities as righteous as humanly possible, thus ensuring us our activities and what we say as well as our thoughts Give our Father God glory and praise. See> (1 Corinthians 10:31) Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

My final thoughts
Folks, there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that our faith and love for God are our God given tools to help everyone of us exalt our Father God daily giving Him His glory. Folks what I’m saying this morning all breaks down to the fact that we were created by God to love and glorify Him, therefore every day we live on earth ‘must’ become our most important day in our lives, amen.

Let us all pray together.
Dear Lord, we thank you for your guidance given to us daily, for without it we would not be able to live our good Christian lifestyles that glorify our Father God. We know that all of us are weak and powerless, unable to give our Father God His praise and worship daily without you’re involvement in our lives. In your name Lord, we all do pray amen.

Rev James Erick