Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s news 4 this weekend’s Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
November 9-10,2019. Studied with the King James Bible


The road God's children need to travel should never be traveled alone. The twists and bumps, rocks and holes come at you fast, backed with satanic forces. As Christians we need to know in our hearts that we can depend on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to always be walking ahead of us, guiding us keeping our path clear. And when necessary pick us up, brush off the dirt and turn back towards God’s goodness again. When we walk with our Lord our lives run smoothly with little pain or difficulty. But when we stray off the road of righteous living, and we chose not to listen to our Lord’s advice to help guide us back on the road, we begin to lose focus on the very reason our Father God created us, which is for Himself, and for us to praise Him for being the creator God He is. See> (Isaiah 43) This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.… We were also created for God’s glory. Refer to (Isaiah 43:7) … As God’s children we need to stay focused on Jesus Christ, we need to follow him, striving hard to live our lives as He lived His. We should never deny Jesus Christ’s help or guidance. When we do, we aren’t representing the Jesus Christ who lives inside us. Therefore, we are not currently living our lives as God’s children. We are not Christians. Our lives will become more difficult because our decisions are focused on worldly things rather than God’s good things. God tells us to include Him in every aspect of our lives, perhaps we should listen to Him. We should let His word teach us and train us to be better Christians, thus, help us to maintain living as righteous as we humanly can. See> (2 Timothy 3:16) 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

My Final thoughts
And yes! We are all guilty of this, not one of us can totally remain focused on Jesus Christ. We all have difficulty, so let no man tell me differently. The key is to never give up or sway away from how God’s word instructs us to live the way our Father God has planned for us. When Jesus instructs us, we need to listen, knowing in our hearts our Lord only has our best interest in mind. So, when the devil tries to mislead us, just keep pushing him away. Remain focused on Godly things and always put God first in every aspect of our lives. Then and only then we are entitled to be called Children of God, for we are Christians. Amen.

Let us all pray
Lord, help us to remain focused on why we were created, help our spirits remain strong and our thoughts to be of God’s good things, not of worldly things that are bad. In your name Lord we all do pray, amen.

Rev James Erick