Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 ~ 2 Days, Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
November 21,2019, Studied with the King James Bible


Dr Elwood had enough of it all, every aspect of his life no longer mattered. His heart had given up, he’d lost another life during surgery. He was a specialist; he didn’t lose patients. He was the Dr. patients called for one reason, to save their lives. But he’d had it, the program to relieve emergency room doctors at the Hospital had cost him too much. It costed him his self-security and trust in God. It’s not uncommon for emergency room doctors to lose patients. But those emergency room doctors were able to come to terms with themselves when they lost a patient. That was a problem for Dr. Elwood, he didn’t lose lives, he was the specialist folks called so they could live, not die. But these gangsters, haters, killers on the streets of the city we’re dropping like flies during surgery every day. But this death wasn’t one of them, this toddler was five-year-old and didn’t deserve to die under surgery. But there was no way for Dr. Edwards to mend together the torn intestines of a stray bullet that came through the window. The child’s father looked just in time to see his son drop his toy firetruck onto the floor, seconds later his young body followed, he’d been shot in the gut. But he died on the surgeons operating table, not just any surgeons operating table, he’d died on Dr Elwood's table. Dr Elwood drove to the place called ‘suicide cliffs, a place well known for its name, he wanted to die. He pushed the gas pedal down to the floor, only half a mile left. That’s when he remembered his friend Jesus Christ, and gave thought to talking to Him one last time. He wanted to make sure he’d be forgiven; he’d lived his life to save other lives similar to the way his Lord Jesus Christ, had lived. He pulled over, what happened next was nothing short of a miracle.

My final thoughts
Dr. Elwood didn’t have a chance to address his Lord, his Father God addressed him first. “God Spoke;” Son, your work here has not been completed, I am the giver and taker of life.” And I’m not letting you give back the gift I have given to you. See> (Job 1:21) And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord… Son, why do you not obey me? Let me guide you, trust in me as you always have. We’ve been a team for years, come back to me. Stop trusting in yourself when you know in your heart, I’m here to guide your hands as I always have, for I am the specialist here." See> (2 Corinthians 1:9) But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: … "Son my grace is upon you as its always been, these trials you’re going through are nothing, for you and I will conquer them together. I have been guiding you since the day you called upon me, and I have blessed you." See> (Romans 10:13) 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Folks, because you are saved, our Father God blesses us, because we know we can trust Him. We can trust He’ll keep His promises to us, so remember one thing folks. Once Jesus is in our hearts, we can achieve anything, we just need to have faith and believe in Him to accomplish or to receive God’s blessings. Dr Elwood drove home that night, he told his lifelong friend the whole ordeal he’d been going through. His wife looked at him as she told him. “Honey I’ve always been here for you; you could have confided in me as you always have. I am here to help you go through these things as I have always been, because I love you." Wow Mr. Elwood’s thought. Isn’t that what our Father God will always do for His children? Thank you, Father God, for not letting me die."

Let us pray together
Lord. You are our councilor, our friend and our Savior. We trust in your guidance and direction. We ask you to never let us grow distant from you. We know if we ever do, you’ll call us out like you did for Dr. Elwood. We know this because we have also called upon you and have received our Father God’s blessings. In your name Lord Jesus Christ we all do thank you and pray, amen.

Rev James Erick.
A dedicated Christian soldier on earth to serve my Father God.