Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ Days Daily Inspirational. November 28th,2019
King James Bible


One of my favorite phrases in scripture is used by Peter in his first letter, when he says that God is the God of all grace (1 Peter 5:10). Isn’t that amazing? God of ALL grace.

It’s almost as if Peter is saying there is no more grace left. It all belongs to our God. He’s taken it all!

Paul reaffirms this message by saying that God will make all grace abound to you. He does this so that we have everything we need to walk into every good work that God has for us.

So today, whatever you are facing, know that God’s resources are unlimited, and you have access to them all. You have everything you need to release life, hope, and love into this world in Jesus’ name today.

So, go into all the world and make disciples. Bless where others curse. Serve where others hold positions of pride. Do it all in the name of the God of ALL grace.

Today's Prayer

God of ALL grace, I worship You today. I thank You for Your amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. I thank You that I was lost but now I am found. I was blind but now I see. I ask You to remind me that I am saved for a purpose, and You have good works for me to do in Your strength. Fill me afresh, Holy Spirit, that I may be the fragrance of Christ today. Amen.