Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 this weekend’s Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
December 7th and 8th ,2016. Studied in the King James Bible
It took Allen a very long time before he was able to let Jesus Christ operate the steering wheel on this vessel. He’d always been the one in control of which direction his life went, whether it was the right way or wrong way. It wasn’t until Allen’s forty-fifth birthday when He’d given thought about the things he’d accomplished in his life. The sudden realization that he’d accomplished absolutely nothing raised concern for the first time in his life. Allen had no children, no wife and no money because he’d been driving in circles his entire life. Yep! Allen was the opposite of his brother Benjamin who’d been raised by his mother Janet. Janet, being a strong spirited Christian woman taught him how God’s plan for his life revolved around his Son Jesus Christ. Benjamin, unlike his brother Allen, learned to depend on Jesus Christ’s direction and included Jesus when making investments decisions. There wasn’t anything Benjamin and his loving wife Sally, along with his two son’s Allen and Benjamin Jr did, that didn’t include their Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, the day Benjamin’s mother had been praying for, Allen's whole life had come to a crossroads. Allen new a little about Jesus and how happy and content his brother was because Jesus always came first in his life, so he went to his brother with his heart desiring to know more about Jesus Christ. After several hours of talking brother to brother, they prayed and Allen just like his brother had thirty-three years ago, Allen asked Jesus into His life. Benjamin gave his brother heads up about how Satan would now be attacking him from all directions in life because he just lost your soul and wants it back. Allen looked worried so his brother told him to keep Jesus ahead of him and always follow his lead. It’s important to stay firm and not allow Satan to move you away from God. See> (Psalm 16:8) 8 I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. … Because if you do –
My final thoughts
Because if you do Allen, you’ll begin to lose focus on our Father God. Then you start doubting Him which could likely happen, because you begin doing things without Jesus leading you, rather than allowing Jesus to direct your path. See> (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. … Fortunately for Allen he saw how happy his brother had always seemed for he saw the Spirit's presence in his brother Benjamin. See> (Romans 8:16) The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: … Folk’s losing focus on our Lord Jesus Christ is one of Satan's most effective weapons to grab souls that have left Him. Satan knows we are weak without God so his attacks can do more damage.
Let us Pray
Lord we pray that we can remain strong and focused on you every waking moment and that you’ll protect us when we sleep. We know we can only stay focused on you with your help and guidance. Because our hearts know we can count on you being there for us. Why? Because we always put you in front of us and stay focused on how you would do things, amen.
God’s servant and child, Reverend James Erick.