Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
December 9, 2019, Studied in the King James Bible


If we intend to live in Heaven, we must truly represent The Holy Spirit that we follow everyday. Everywhere we go The Holy Spirit needs to be seen in us. It’s as simple as that folks. There are no shortcuts. We must always be prepared for the second coming of our Lord. See> (Matthew 24:44) 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. … Here are two things our Almighty Father God requires of us during our short visit on planet Earth to be true Christians who will go to Heaven. One is to have a deep commitment to obey His laws “The Ten Commandments.” The second is to remain “dedicated” to living our lives honoring God’s will, to love and serve Him. There are two fundamental things I’ve found useful that WILL help us achieve God’s requirements. One of them is to totally stay focused on God’s Son Jesus Christ, despite any traps, tricks or lies the devil brings upon us. Because it is with Him that we’ll be able to conquer the devil and achieve the second fundamental thing that every true Christian has to do. Being, we need to wholeheartedly stay committed to living as righteous as we humanly can so that we are representing our Father God’s goodness, His grace and love for every man, woman and child on Earth to witness.

My final thoughts.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, with these two fundamentals living right for God which can only be achieved by not only observing our Father God’s commandments, but by prayer and striving hard to obey them daily. We cannot cheat or use some sort of trickery because God knows us from the truth's of our hearts. See> (1 Thessalonians 3:13) 13 To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. … Soon every Christian who has faithfully remained committed to obeying and honoring their Father God’s will, and prepared for the second coming of their Lord Jesus Christ will be called up to Heaven. Whether we will be prepared to go or not will totally depend on the things I have gone over with you all this morning. I pray we all stay under Jesus Christs guidance. Have an awesome day folks.

1. Have a deep commitment to obey His laws “The Ten Commandments”
2. Remain “dedicated” to living our lives honoring God’s will.
3. Totally staying focused on God’s Son Jesus Christ,
4. Wholeheartedly stay committed to living as righteous as we humanly can by praying and seeking Him daily.

Let us all Pray
Dear Father God, we offer you our dedicated service in helping folks find their way to you. We have given ourselves to you with sincere hearts and we study your word, so we’ll be able to guide the unsaved once they’ve found their way to us, or us to them. Please use us Father God for this is our reason for being here. In your Son Jesus Christ’s name we all do pray. Amen.

God’s Child and Christian Soldier Rev James Erick