Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days Daily Inspirational, Written by Rev James Erick
December 18th,2019. Studied in the King James Bible


I have no idea how many Christians I’ve seen, let alone how many there are to just give up or quit, over doing something that they feel it hasn’t been accomplished within a time expected. God tells us not to tire/give up because in time we will be blessed, if we don’t quit. See> (Galatians 6:9) 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. … During this Christmas season a lot of folks will want to give up on one thing or another. It may not be related to Christmas at all, it could be a relationship or friendship or marriage. Perhaps we feel we’ve gone above and beyond in a project that’s just not working for us. Some folks may feel that after years of trying to make a difference, your just not… ‘Don’t give up!’ At any moment now, anyone of these incidences mentioned above could work out and pay off in your favor. As Christians we have faith that they will, but we must understand our Father God knew the outcome of whatever situation or project that we’re currently involved in before we were born. As Christians we have faith and trust in our Lord, who oversees everything to be for our best interests. Therefore, we should never tire from waiting above and beyond our expectancy over any situation. It’s whether we’ve waited on our Lord Jesus Christ that matters. Why? Because true Christian’s who wait upon Him don’t give up, and everyone around them sees God’s holiness shining in their hearts. Thus, bearing witness to how God’s working in their lives. Not to mention that those who wait upon the Lord, are the ones who will enjoy the benefits for their faithfulness.

My Final thoughts
God wants His children to share His greatness in everything we do. A Christian always needs to shine God’s magnificence and holiness in all their actions, in their speech and in all their accomplishments. When a Christian gives up and quits something, their actions aren’t a witness for God. Folks around them view God as a quitter because the Christian claims they are of God. The outcome of such events shows us how important and necessary it is for Christians to wholeheartedly believe and trust in the Lord. Knowing in their hearts they don’t need to feel dismayed but rather know God will give them the strength to carry on, rather than give up. Isaiah 41:10) 10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. .. Give everything to God knowing to wait for God, for He wants us to have good things that come from Him, amen.

Let us pray together
Dear Lord, we call upon you this morning because we all need your help and guidance to maintain our faith and trust in you to stay strong, and help us to wholeheartedly wait upon your final move in something, rather than to give up on the situation. In your name Jesus Christ we all pray, amen.

God’s Christian Soldier yet humble Child Rev James Erick

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