Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Day’s Daily Inspiration, written by Rev Jams Erick
April 24, 2020. Studied in the King James Bible


There is not one Christian out there that can honestly tell someone they have not gone through something they could not comprehend. Therefore, as Christian soldiers, we need to include our Lord Jesus Christ in everything we do, as we allow Him to lead us through our confusion and misunderstandings. Let Him help us and lead us through our troubles, or anxieties. As Christians we should trust Jesus with every aspect of our lives; therefore, we no longer should be troubled with the things of this world. Knowing that together God and I can and will conquer anything that comes our way. See> (Luke 1:37) 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. … With God we can move forward, ‘never turning back’ to who we were or what someone thought about us. With God we can move forward onto what His plan is for our lives. Currently at this moment, my Father God’s plan for me is to operate His God’s News Channels, pages and groups on various social networks. As Christians we need to use the fruits our Father God’s given to us. See> (Galatians 5:22-23) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. ... When we use the fruits God has given to us in every aspect of our lives from morning until night, people around us will notice our fruit is good. They will see our Father God’s goodness in our actions, in our works and in the way we speak. For it is our Father God’s will that we are led by The Holy Spirit. Because when we do, God’s goodness and grace is upon us, for we are His Sons and Daughters. See> (Romans 8:14)14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. …

My final thoughts
As Christians, The Holy Spirit is constantly feeding us His fruit that we need to have the Holy Spirit's power available, to lead us forward as we live to serve our Father in Heaven. With these fruits we have faith in knowing our God can and will handle anything we bring to Him, including our misunderstandings. With God what we do not understand does not matter, because we have given it to Him, and by faith we know He will take care of it. With God we know we can never turn back, trusting in faith He will keep us moving forward, knowing when we fall He will catch us because we are His children. From the very moment we were saved we became God’s children, and we became responsible for “never leaving ourselves wide open", where Satan can tempt us with worldly possessions and influences. ‘But preacher, why not indulge in these good things on earth?’ Because the things of this world are not from God but rather from Satan, they are not good for us and will only bring us harm and discouragement. The devil tries to please us with these things of the world hoping to keep us away from God’s goodness. Sadly, as human beings too many of us fall for the devil's bad things. Folks, there are so many of us who may never know that what we love on earth is not good for us. I am so grateful for God’s love and that I am His son, and for God’s mercy and grace. For without it I would never have been a child of God, and I certainly would never be the Christian soldier my Father God wanted me to be. Thank you, Father, thank you God.

Please let us all gather united in prayer as God’s Children.
Dear most gracious Father in Heaven. We are so grateful for your word Father, and that you have kept your promise to your true Christians whom you call your children. We thank you for always being there and for being so understanding when we have wronged you. We are sorry that we wrong you. God, we know that you know more every time we wrong you, is because we are not rightfully thinking of how you would do things. Please help us with that Father God, help us to keep our minds on doing things as your son Jesus Christ did things Father. And God, we all pray together united as your children ready to serve you. In your Son Jesus Christ's name amen.

May we all walk under Jesus’s Christs guidance for all our days on earth, The rev

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