Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4~2 Day’s, Daily Inspiration, Written by Rev James Erick
May 14/2020. Studied in the King James Bible


Jack and Jill have been married for seven years, Jack and his Lord Jesus have always been the breadwinner for the family. They lived their lives as many other Christians do. Jill stays at home to take care of their two daughters and two sons. Jack goes to work, pays the bills and time passes by, as their family grows with our Lord Jesus. Their family shared many good times together, as well as some discouraging, and tearful ones. Jesus is their family's comforter who always made things okay. See> (Ephesians 3:20) 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, .... One Sunday our pastor told us the family's growing fast and asked how things have been. ‘Jack Proudly told him, God's been good and takes care of us, our faith is strong, and we are comfortable in our relationship with our Father in Heaven. As their relationship with Jesus grew their family grew stronger and prospered. But occasionally, just as all Christian families have, they stumbled, and our Lord picked them up like He has so many times before.

My Final Thoughts
Now Jack and Jill's family relationship with God may seem like a fairy tale to some folks. After all, Jack and Jill never needed anything, and their Father God was a good provider. Jack and Jill lived their daily lives remembering to put their confidence in Jesus. See> (Proverbs 3:26) 26 For the Lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

Let us pray
Dear Lord, how awesome it is to put our confidence in your provision, so we need nothing. How free it makes our lives to live for you. For this we are forever grateful. In your name Jesus Christ, we all pray. Amen.

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