Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4~2 Day’s, Daily Inspiration, Written by Rev James ErickMay 15/2020. Studied in the King James Bible

Probably every one of us has run into someone whom we do not really know, but we saw they needed help in one way or another. As Christians we understand it is our duty to help them. But at what point should we stop helping. Let us say this person accepts our help but continues doing the wrong things, causing them to become worse off than before our help. We help them out of their new jam only to find more problems. We notice our help has only been a one-way effort to better someone's life. We help them, they do not try to help themselves. Now we are torn, on one hand we want to do what our Lord would do. But doing the Christian thing simply is not working. The person is a user and probably has been for some time. When do we stop helping them?

My final thoughts.
Speaking through my own experiences, I have learned that no one can help a person who does not want to help themselves, when they are perfectly capable of doing so. Is the Christian thing to do, to continue helping them? In Matthew we learn that Jesus instructs us not cast your pearls before swine. For us not to waste what is good on those who won't appreciate our help See> (Matthew 7:6) 6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. … It is hard to say no even when we know it is what God’s word instructs us to do when we find ourselves in these types of situations. Just know we are doing the right thing, no matter how hard it is for them or us to do.

Let us pray.
Lord, this morning we want to pray for the many folks who find it easier to use people than to help themselves. We pray for them to become encouraged to do the right things when good folks lend them a helping hand. We pray they see God’s love taking place and get a grip on their lives. Only you know their current situations Lord, so we pray for your help in letting us know when to help them, but also help us know when to draw the line. In your name Jesus Christ, we all pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's guidance. Rev James Erick