Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Day's Daily Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
May 29/2020. Studied in the King James Bible


(Romans 8:28) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

There is no doubt we will face and deal with disappointments during our life, when one comes my way, I am instantly calling our Lord for backup. However, some folks live like Naomi, living her life day to day caring less about her tomorrows. Let alone if she had any disappointments or achievements. Naomi believed in what you can see, hear, and smell. Other folks stuff their disappointments under the bed hoping they go away. While others get doped up until they forget their disappointments and worries, only to find they are still there after they have sobered up. How sad life is for them. But for those of us who believe and have faith in God, their disappointments mean nothing to them. For they have given them to The Holy Spirit inside them and moved onto achievements. God’s word tells every one of us we will face disappointments. See> (John 16:33) 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

My final thoughts
Disappointments is one of Satan's many weapons used against Gods servants and is a hard one for folks to deal with. This is especially so if they do not have the support only Jesus Christ can offer them. Through our faith in Jesus, He can help us through our disappointments and help us turn our disappointments into achievements.

Let us all pray together
Father God. This morning we ask for Your Son Jesus Christ to help us turn our disappointments into achievements. Only then we can venture forward in our lives, knowing through our faith in Christ we can move forward making positive accomplishments. In the name of your Son Jesus Christ we all pray amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's guidance. Rev James Erick