Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Day's Daily Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
June 02/2020. Studied in the King James Bible


Have I ever told you about my best friend? Would you like me to introduce Him to you? I think you will love Him because He loves everyone of God’s people and personally, I have never had a better friend and companion. One of the most precious things about Him is His willingness to stick with me through thick and thin like a brother. See> (Proverbs 18:24) 24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. … When I am upset it does not matter what upset me. When I need comfort, He always gives me hope and grace. See> (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17) 16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. … Him and I go back many years to when my life was in ruins and nobody else seemed to care. Back in time when I had no one when my family and friends had forsaken me, He was there to help me. See> (Psalm 27:10)10 When my father and my mother forsook me, then the LORD will take me up. … So, would you like to meet Him? He told me he already knows who you are. In Fact, He knows everything about you and would like me to introduce you to Him. So, do you want to know Him? He has been knocking on your door, but you’ve never answered it. Let me tell you who He is, His name is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of the Almighty God and He loves making new friends. I am more than sure you two would become best friends in no time. Oh, come on now, this is no time to be shy, everyone needs a best friend. Listen He is at your door knocking right now, don’t you hear Him? All you need to do is unlock and open your door. He would love to have dinner with you, you two could talk and get to know each other. See> (Revelations 3:20) 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. ... Once you become friends, He'll have one of His other friends give you a copy of His Father’s book, so you will learn about His Father God who loves every man, woman, and child. In fact, God loves you, yes you very much. So much that He wants your spiritual being to come live with Him in Heaven for all eternity after our earthly bodies die. What? You want to know how that is even possible?

My Final thoughts
Oh, I forgot to tell you that my friend Jesus Christ came down from heaven over two thousand years ago, to visit and teach us about His Father God who lives in Heaven. God sent His Son Jesus to teach all His people how to live their lives righteously so their souls can live forever in Heaven with their Father God. But unfortunately, many of God’s people rejected my best friend's teachings because they could not understand Him, so they rebelled against Him and His Father. Some cursed and beat Him, when all He did was love them and heal a few of their sick, showing them the power of His Father God. In fact, my best friend Jesus Christ even raised a few of their dead back to life. But God’s people still rejected Jesus Christ, yet He never gave up on them. Instead He continued teaching them the only way to go to Heaven was through Him. For He alone was able to forgive them of their sins if they were to ask Him for forgiveness and they accepted Him in their life as their Lord and Savior. Yet still they rebelled against Him again. But His love for His Father's people is so great, that one day after they whipped Him, beat Him, and crucified Him, He still loved them so much that he took in His last breath of life. He asked His Father God to forgive them for they know not what they do. See> (Luke 23:34) 34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. … Then after three days my best friend rose from the dead to show them that through Him is the only way to Heaven. See> (Luke 9:22) 22 Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day. … Today it is up to us to tell everyone who does not know my best friend, to tell whoever would hear all about Him. Why? To give them the chance to decide if they would like to meet Him, and possibly grow to love and know Him, thus, have an opportunity to live with Him and His Father God, for all eternity. We just need to tell folks Jesus wants to be their best friend, just as I have told all of you this morning. We need to tell them they have a friend who wants to be their best friend and the Savior of their souls. And let them know, all they need to do is listen for His knock on their door, then open the door, and let Him in. Amen.

Let us all pray together
Dear gracious Father in Heaven. We thank you for your Son's friendship, and ask you to help us tell your people who don’t know our best friend all about the good news you have for them, being your wonderful plan of salvation for every one of us through your Son Jesus Christ. In your Son’s name we all pray amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's guidance. Rev James Erick