Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Day's Daily Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
June 17, 2020. Studied in the King James Bible

Where will your spiritual being, ‘your soul’ spend eternity, Heaven
or Hell?’ If you are uncertain then there is a good chance your soul will not go to Heaven. Are you concerned about this? If yes, would you like to know how simple God has made it to ensure our souls will go to Heaven? Through God’s Son Jesus Christ we can seek forgiveness of our sins. When a person absolutely loves God they do so with all of their heart, their soul, and their mind See> (Mark 12:30) 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. … They will serve their Father God faithfully everyday as they will strive hard to love others the way Jesus Loves. Their hearts will desire to teach others about their Father God's good news. And they will try to live righteous lifestyles following Jesus Christ’s guidance, as they acknowledge Jesus as their Lord. See> (Proverbs 3:6) 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. … By doing this we allow Jesus to be our light, keeping us from walking in darkness as we follow His lead. See> (John 8:12) 12 Then  spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

My final thoughts 
So, there you have it folks, to ensure our soul’s final resting place will be with God in Heaven, we need to live by our Father God's laws and honor His will for His children. So, if you are uncertain about where your soul's final resting place will be, yet you want it to go to Heaven, there is only one way to get through Heavens gates. And that way being through God’s Son Jesus Christ. Now, here is God's good news for today. Jesus is listening and watching you every day, He is waiting for you today to confess your sin as you seek His forgiveness. He needs to know that you know He is God’s Son, and that He is your Lord and Savior and wants to be your friend, your comforter, your helper, and your guiding light. So, all of you who are uncertain where your spiritual being will be spending eternity, let us not wait any further, let us pray this prayer together with all your heart. …

Dear Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God. I know you died to pay the price for my sins. I believe you are the Son of God and the Savior of lost souls. So, I hereby confess my sins to you. (Now take a moment and confess your sin to Jesus Christ along with repenting your wrong doings). Now ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and accept Him into your heart and life. In Jesus Name we all do pray amen. Congratulations you are now a child of God. Please be sure to find a God fearing, God loving, Holy Spirit filled church, where you will receive the love and support of all your new brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless you and yours.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance. Rev James Erick

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