Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 451 of 621 in Wall Photos

Do to the this post on Facebook I felt the need to address the contributor over her sickness from (TURD) disease . Please read her post followed by my reply and voice your opinions.
Her post
Audrey Dunham Hear the (4) videos. Americans why would you allow trump to run 2nd term to bully, name call, slander, blame.He will win 2nd term if not discuss "WHAT IS TRUTH"
I am from Canada. I cannot vote but I do more to get out the Republicans than any Americans. Hear both videos why (vote Jamie Harrison) (Lindsay Graham) (Ted Cruz) (Mitt Romney) (Mary Trump) (join)SHARE CONTENTS.

My reply
Audrey Dunham Wow is right Lawrence Nichols.
Some folks do not have a clue of the truth, why? because they have been viewing propaganda/fake news for so long they actually believe it. So, they begin to live, breath and spread the propaganda B.S. like miss Audrey Dunham has here. These people try to bring down the spirit of truth and the sad thing is, they do not have the sense to know any better. Audrey, I do not always respond to such postings as you have shared but you need to know exactly who President trump is. So, if you care about the truth, you will read the following

I have come to the conclusion that you are suffering from TURD Commonly known to intelligent people as (Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD) People with TURD disease often exhibit pronounced cognitive dissonance, sudden bouts of rage, rioting, and uncontrollable crying.
are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Make America Great Again.

They are often are characterized by a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to Has Made America Great Again. Over the last three years and nine months Patients with TURD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups. Any possibility of treatment requires that they be separated from their hive-mind support apparatus; they cannot begin the process of accepting reality in the presence of encouragement towards delusion and irrationality. Separation may require the assistance of law enforcement. OR A VISIT TO A MENTAL INSTITUTION.

Mrs. Audrey Dunham
I do not know you, yet my heart feels can be treated There for I urge you to begin the following treatments.
#1, Take a big breath and be REAL with yourself, look at how great and powerful America has come to be since President Trump took office.
#2 Stop watching fake and propaganda news it will always keep your mind as far away from the truth.
#3. Please do not be mad at yourself over your sickness and know you are not alone for there are thousands of people who have been infected by TURD. Instead know the truth and feel good about yourself. Then together we can beat this your TORD disease and Make America Great Again. I hope this letter does not offend you for I have only tried to correct the wrong that has plagued your mind.

Mr. Trump is by far the best president this country has seen in a minimum of 20 years. The people hating obviously to have a lot to hide and are afraid his sights will be set on them and whatever corruption they have going on next.
At the very least he is proving that a president can and will make positive changes in our country which is something the last several weren’t able to do or in Obama’s case for certain clearly didn’t want to do. That terrorist should have been brought up on charges of high treason at least 6 times without any question.

God Bless President Trump and I will vote him back in again in 2020!

Sincerely Rev James Erick

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