Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily, Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
August 03, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


How often have we met a man like Mr. Dexter Davis who was raised as a nonbeliever, and well known throughout town to curse God? He told folks they were ignorant to trust a God who does nothing for His people. A God who claims to watch over them and take care of their needs. Yet so many of His people are starving to death, those who cannot help themselves. A God who sees folks that are not safe but does nothing to protect them. Dexter lived and believed this way because he was taught and raised by his father who was an unbeliever. He saw his mother, who is a woman of faith who prayed on many long nights, but never once were her prayers answered. What Dexter did not know was his mother prayed without faith and total belief. Dexter did not understand his father's hatred of God, because he was never asked why he hated Him so much. One evening while sitting at the city park, Dexter noticed a small crowd gathering around a preacher man. The preacher spoke about how much God loves all His people. He told them about God’s promises to protect and provide for them. Only minutes passed before Dexter heard enough of the preacher teaching what he believed was lies and deception. So, Dexter walked through the small crowd telling folks not to listen to this preacher. He told them every preacher fills the minds of people with lies, false promises and hopes. When Dexter approached the preacher, he was close enough to see the preachers face. Dexter’s mind froze, he was unable to speak, as he found himself staring at his own father’s face.

My final thoughts
Dexter's father told him after the crowd split up that before someone tells others God does not keep His promises, they should give God a try first. They should taste the Lord’s goodness and be blessed once they trust in Him. See> (Psalm 34:8) 8 O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Dexter asked his father why he taught him wrong all those years? His father told him. ‘I have no excuse son, I raised you as an unbeliever as I was raised an unbeliever. I am sorry for misleading you son.
It was not until I opened my heart to Jesus Christ and gave God an honest and sincere try, that God took away my sins which darkened my mind. And for so many years, unbelief had kept me from receiving any of my Father God's promises. Today Dexter’s father is still working the streets as he strives hard to live his new life with Christ. Dexter no longer curses God, but rather lifts Him up with praises. He now tells folks to trust and give Him a try, amen.

Let us all pray together
Lord, this morning we come together in prayer, asking you to have mercy on those who curse you without first giving you a try. We pray for your Holy Spirit to lead the unbelievers to a better understanding of your truths. That you are real, and your love is unconditional for all people. We pray for the lost to seek those who know you, to help them find you. Lord, we know we have asked a lot of you this morning, but we do so to the glory of our Father in Heaven. In your name Jesus Christ, we all pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
Copyright © 2020RevJamesErick

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