Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s Daily Inspiration written by Rev James Erick
SEPTEMBER 02/2020. Studied with the King James Bible


God’s word tells us each day brings blessings. We are blessed with life to share our Father God’s love and grace among others. But this morning for some reason, the devil’s got me feeling a little blue. So, I prayed. ‘Good morning Jesus, my friend and my Lord, please brighten up my day cause I’m feeling blue. Let your Holy Spirit flow within me, for I have much work for you to do, and feeling blue simply will not do. Right then the power of God came as usual, coming up my arms as The Holy Spirit flowed through my bones. My heart warmed, my spirit jolted with joy for the feeling of blueness had gone away. I thanked my Lord, for It would be hard to inspire folks with God’s love and joy if I had been wearing a frown on my own face… Folks as Christians we need to trust in our Father God as a child trusts their father. We know that feeling blue is not how our Father needs us to feel. God wants us to go about our days joyfully sharing his peace, as we love one another as He loves us See> (1 John 4:7) 7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. …

My final Thoughts
If we wake up feeling blue, we need to thank God for blessing us with another day, and pray our blueness away. Then we can go about our day ready to do what our Father God has planned for us that day.
Knowing we are here to bring joy and God’s goodness to others, we need to pray for an opportunity to help someone in light of our Father God’s name bringing glory to Him. We must never allow the devil to start our day off feeling blue, therefore if he tries just resist him and he will go away. See> (James 4:7) 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. .. Then we are free from Satan and able to go about our way with our Lord, sharing His love to others as God loves us. Be blessed.

Let us pray together
Lord we come to you this morning as servants, sharing our Father God’s love and goodness to those who may be feeling blue. Perhaps turning their frowns into smiles making their world a better place. In your name Jesus Christ we pray Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
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