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God’s Daily Inspiration written by Rev James Erick
Sept 07/2020. Studied with the King James Bible

Live right for God and live for all eternity "OR" Live wrong for the devil and die forever and ever. See> (Romans 8:13-14) 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. God gives all his people their own free will to choose how to live their lives. It is up to us whether we allow our spiritual beings to permanently die along with our earthly bodies. Or we can choose to live lifestyles that will secure our Spiritual beings’ life forever after once our earthly bodies die. I have always loved our creator and Father God. See> Genesis 1:27) 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. … I am a Pro-life kind of man who always desired to live forever. Therefore, I started to study the word when I heard about God’s promise of everlasting life after we die, to all his people that believe in him. To those of us who follow his plan for our lives here on earth. I knew I had to investigate God’s plan, now that I knew only those who call upon the Lord's forgiveness, upon God’s mercy and grace will receive this deal for all eternity. During my prayer, the Holy Spirit toppled me, running over by body, mind, and soul with the peace of God. I was high on my Father God and knew that living my life for Christ was the deal of a lifetime, which is offered to every one of God's people from their Creator God Almighty. A God who wants his people to know him as their Father God in Heaven. The deal God offers his people will secure their souls, everlasting life. ‘What must we do to make such a deal with God Preacher?’ This is the deal folks. God wants our hearts to love and accept him and his Son Jesus Christ as God. The deal is for any person who lives their lives for their Father God while living here on earth. ‘Wow, I thought,’ as I pondered about how much I love God and His Son Jesus Christ. But I thought I was unworthy of God’s grace. Why should his grace be upon me? A man who had spent a lifetime living for myself, how selfishly I lived not to care about where my internal spirit would spend all of eternity.

My Final thoughts
I knew change was necessary for the life I was living at that time was not in the best interest of my spiritual beings' life ever after. So, I choose to live my life for Christ, knowing through faith and living in accordance with God’s plan that I would ensure my spiritual beings everlasting life. Since our spiritual beings are who we are, I knew I would never die. My death after my fleshly body dies will only be temporary. I knew my soul would never die. Today I remain faithful with serving God and my deal with God. I live to let God's people know they have a Father God. And how to find him, for our Father in Heaven offers the same deal he offered me to every one of his people. Living for God and serving his people as I serve God, is why I was created by God. Without my Father God, my life would be worthless for I would have no purpose. So, thank you Father in Heaven. Thank you for being an awesome Father. Amen.

Let us all pray
Thank you, Father God, for giving all of us who love you a purpose, while we live for you on earth. Help us tell the world about your deal of a lifetime. Lead us to those who do not know you, and with your Son Jesus let us help them find you. Let us introduce them to their Father God. In your Son’s name we all pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
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