God’s Daily Inspiration Weekend edition written by Rev James
Oct 30-31/2020. Studied with the King James Bible
If it’s our heart's desire to do good things for our Father in Heaven, he will give us the opportunity to do good work for others, and do good things for our brothers and sisters through our Father God’s love, mercy and grace. See> (Galatians 6:10) 10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. How we talk, how we act and how we love others are three extremely important qualities in a Christian’s lifestyle. Every day as Christian's we need to live our lives completely and wholeheartedly dedicated to living for and serving our Father God Almighty, and I do express ‘WHOLEHEARTEDLY to you.’ ‘Why?’ When we live in Christ’s likeness, “which is who a Christian is,'' those around us who do not know God see the goodness in us. ‘How preacher?’ We are our Father God’s children, therefore who we are truly matters because we represent our Father God’s holiness. God’s children must live a Christian lifestyle, bearing witness to our Father God’s holiness. As Christian's the way we live our lives is constantly being viewed by non-believers. Therefore, who we are matters, every decision, and everything we do needs to represent Christ. After all, being a Christian means that we strive to live righteously. See> (Matthew 5:16) 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. … Christians should never act ungodly when they need to be among non-believers. ‘But preacher, why can’t we just go along with them like we see other Christians doing?’ Because our Father’s word tells us it is our ‘Christian responsibility’ to show our Father God’s love and holiness to all his people. “If we do not let God’s love and Jesus shine in our lives, we cannot call ourselves Christians. If we are displaying darkness rather than the light of God's holiness, then our actions are not Christ-like. We are not being a Christian...
My final thoughts
Our Father in Heaven knows his human children are sinners. His Son Jesus Christ lives within his children to help direct and guide them. Jesus helps us live right when we keep our mind set on living our new righteous lifestyles doing good things. Our Father knew we could not live for him without his Son's help, because we alone are unable to control our actions. Why Preacher?’ Because without our Lord's power within us, the devil will prey on our human emotions causing havoc upon us. We as christians should not allow the devil’s game to begin. But how can we stop the devil preacher?’ By living in faith, knowing our Lord Jesus is always there to help us go through any ordeal. And in the end, we come out representing God’s goodness every time. Amen.
Let us pray together ...
Lord, you know we love you and our hearts long to be like you. Only together are we able to keep the sinner in us from rising up, causing us to disgrace our Father God, rather than represent his holiness within us. With you Lord, the sinner in us is close to a halt. And for most of us Lord, that is a miracle within itself, amen. Thank you, Lord, in your name Jesus Christ, we pray amen.
Matthew 5:16 Scripture picture gift
May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
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