Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s Daily Inspiration, by Rev James Erick
May 06,2022. Studied in the King James Bible

When we arrived at our property I thanked God for small-big miracles. My phone was able to receive a 5g signal at full speed off a tower, not so far from our land. While stepping down from the truck we were instantly searching for the insect repellent. What appeared to be thousands of flying insects had rejected our invasion onto our land, so we were at war… Finding the repellant took a while so the insects had won the first battle we encountered. Having only minor casualties being around fifteen bites, a few scratches and one cut from a thorn bush, I thanked our Father God for having us arrive safe at our new home, being the sticks in East TN. That night after we quickly set up camp, I thanked God for helping us. I trusted his promise to his children knowing he would not lie or change his promises to his children. See> (Numbers 23:19)19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

My final thoughts.
Being homeless has been rough these past few months but overall it has made me more aware that if God had not helped us during our current state of living I'm sure things could be much worse. I laid there in our tent knowing God's always going to help his children under any circumstance, if we trust in faith he will do so… I expect our lives will be hard living on our land without power or water, but in faith we know God will see us through.

Our Morning Prayer Together
Father God, during our times of struggles help us remember that you'll always help us through any difficult times. For this Father we thank you, in Jesus Christ’s name amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance

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