Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News For Today ~ Tuesday June 4th 2019
Studied in the king James Bible


See> (Matt. 6:33) 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Today where everybody seeks after the new and better, the new upgrades to keep up with everyone else, And Oh! I must have them sneakers, there only $456.67, but that's the style that's in today, at least for this month anyway. With all this going on our children are growing into this lifestyle of getting what you want, while you can get it. The problem I find in all this is our young adults and children have grown accustom to this type of thinking, and it's definitely not of God.

This is causing folks to generally forget to leave time for God, and since they're not overly concerned about it, they're not teaching their children how important it is to seek God for all they need. “How is this my problem you ask?” It breaks down like this folk. If you are a Christian with this choice of lifestyle, what they have chosen makes it much harder to reach our young adults or children. This is because they're growing up in the lifestyle I've mentioned above. They have never seen God working in people’s lives, some of them don't believe in God because they've never stopped to listen or read God's word. They've been too busy living in their "get new upgrades now lifestyles", making it near impossible for Christians to change the only way they have known to get what they need, to give God a chance.

This is where active Christians need to step up and show them how to rely on God to provide their needs by living and serving God.
When Christians don't truly desire to serve God, more than they serve themselves, they are not showing Christ is living inside them. We go about this just like everything else in the world today, when one desires to make something noticed. Such as to sell something or they're looking for something. They simply let others know through some form of advertisement. Likewise, Christians should always stand out, this way folks must notice a walking Christian billboard who has the Holy Spirit living inside them. Folks see how calm Christians are because they trust in their Lord to handle pressing situations. Folks see a warm, sweet, and loving God. This is because others see God's love flowing in your life and all the good works Christians do in God's glory.

Y 'all know that Christians represent Jesus all the time, not only part time. There's no sugar coating what I said, it means exactly, ALL THE TIME. This requires Christians to have a full commitment to always represent Christ in their heart, mind, and soul. Christians can do this by always seeking what they can do for God, not what God can do for them. See> (Psalm 37:4) 4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

When Christians do this, they are showing others how God wills His Children to live with Him in their hearts. Strangers see that the Christians have what they need without stressing over it to the point they become worried. Then just maybe they will understand how God provides for them as well. Therefore, I preach that every man, woman and child should seek first what they can do for God. This also shows God the Christians heart’s desire to put God first. Don't worry about your hearts wants or needs because God will provide them all their needs.

My final thoughts
One of the best things about using our Christian bodies as billboards advertising, is that they are pleasing God tremendously, because they are walking in His Son's footsteps for everyone around them to witness. Just saying. Have a God blessed morning and I'll catch up with y 'all later on today.

Prayer. Dear Lord, please help us to be a walking billboard for all the world to see You live in us, and provide all the things we need. Help us seek to do things the way You would Lord, so we show others as well as please our Father God. In Your name we all do pray, amen.

Rev James Erick

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