Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 42Day ~ Monday July 15th, 2019
Studied with the King James Bible


(Romans 8:27) 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

There's no doubt we will face and deal with disappointments throughout our lives, that’s why when they come, I won’t give them a chance to reach adulthood. I'm instantly calling my Lord Jesus Christ who is my defender, my warrior. Jesus Christ is the only one I know I can trust for He has never failed me.

Some folks live their lives day by day as they struggle for this or that, just as most of us are doing. She lived every day without knowing who Christ is. Never realizing that Jesus Christ is alive today to help her succeed with her daily events without knowing who Christ is. Another day with no desire in her heart to know her Father God or His glory.

Some folks stuff their disappointments under the bed and hope they go away. While others get doped up until they forget their disappointments and worries. But it always ends up the same way for them. How sad it must be for them to wake up sober, and the disappointments and worries are right there again. How sad it was they couldn't believe.

But for those of us who believe in God and have faith that Jesus has already been there and done that, and through faith in Him their disappointments mean nothing. With the power of Jesus in me I moved onto achievements. God’s word tells every one of us will face disappointments, see> (John 16

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