Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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Gods News 4~2Day's Daily inspirational July 29th 2019
Studied with the King James Bible


Rev, Scotty Joelsburrows Jr. is a preacher who was never known to be weak, but rather well known for his strength, which came from his Father God, who also gave him the courage to preach behind the darkness in the back alleys of America's worse neighborhoods. Scotty knew about the dangers of preaching to the worst of the worst. He also knew His Father God would never allow the evil darkness lurking about to weaken his courage. Scotty knew the light of Christ would always shine bright through the darkness as he preached God's plan of salvation for everyone’s everlasting life.

Rev Scotty Joelsburrows Jr. knew God had chosen him to preach in the darkness, where folks otherwise would not be able to hear His Holy Scriptures. So, he preached with a bravery and boldness that often-caused folks to ask him why and how he was able to preach in such dreary places? How was he able, here among evil people who could easily hurt or kill him?

Scott always looked forward to these types of questions because they gave him an opportunity to witness for God as he would answer their questions with thankfulness in his heart telling them, “I thank God for always being with me, enabling me to preach in such places, knowing my Lord walks about there with me.” Scotty goes on further telling them his Father God, leads him to those who are in need hearing God’s word. "I follow Him, knowing in my heart my Father God will never leave me nor forsake me." See> (Deuteronomy 31:6) 6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

My Final thoughts
Now at the age of 45, Scotty was still courageously stomping on the devil’s grounds with the word of God. And every so often through the power of the Holy Spirit in him, he’d been able to lead a few souls to Jesus Christ. Unharmed and untouched by evil, Scotty can serve his God in all of God's righteousness, without fear, filled with the inner strength His Father God has given him. See> (Isaiah 41:10) 10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Let us pray
Lord, we thank you for all the ways you’ve given each one of us who have chosen to serve You in honor of our Father God's will for all of us. As always, I ask of your help Lord in understanding our Father God's teachings as we read His word. So, then we'll have the ability to serve you with our full potential with the knowledge we’ll need, when God calls on us to do so. In your name Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Rev James Erick

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