Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Day’s Inspirational weekend edition August 3rd 2019
Studied with the King James Bible
Five years ago, Jan Solven married Derek because she loved Derrick with all his perks and faults. She didn't know her marriage would be affected because of Derek's pride. Derek Solven was a proud man who would often voice his self-pride openly wanting everyone to witness how proud he was with what he's accomplished. They both did everything together; one would say like two peas in a pod, every day of the week except on Sundays when Ann would go to church. You see folks, Derek opposed God, so whenever something didn't work out Derek would always become angry. He’d even blame this God when He wasn’t involved in the situation to begin with, because Derek never included God whom he opposed. But Ann accepted it, because she knew it was a part of Derek's self-pride.
But things had been a lot different over the last year, and more so these past three weeks. Ann is a smart Christian woman, who’d been raised with God loving, God fearing parents who worked together ‘with God,’ helping homeless families put their lives back together. Their ministry was small, working a couple thrift stores. They weren’t wealthy but Ann witnessed how God always provided for them. Ann grew up close with God who she’d trusted so much, He moved into her heart and never left home. So, Jesus started nudging at her heart three days ago, every time Derek lifted himself up or blamed God over something not working out. She knew God's word told her Derek's actions were against God. And every time he lifted himself up full of self-pride, he angered her Father God because his actions were against God, thus being acting as an enemy of God.
Ann questioned herself why Jesus has been nudging at her heart so much lately. So one day after church service she asked her pastor why Jesus would be nudging her heart so frequently lately. Pastor never knew Derek, so Ann explained the what’s, when's and places Jesus was nudging her. After she told her pastor what’s been going on, they began praying and The Holy Spirit came to them in such a mighty way, and they prayed even more. After they finished praying, they looked at each other and at the same time said, ‘It’s time’. "What do you think God means pastor"? Ann asked. Pastor Rails closed his eyes for several minutes as he meditated in prayer seeking answers. Then he told Ann that Jesus was very displeased with the way Derek’s been putting his self-pride above God, because it's an act against His Father God. I believe God wants you to guide your husband into another chapter in his life. A chapter where God has a plan for Derek to perform. Remember folks, God has a plan for everyone who believes in Him to fulfill. See> (Jeremiah 29:11) 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
"I believe the reason Jesus has been nudging frequently at your heart is because it’s time. God needs you to open your husbands’ heart to the realism of His existence. God wants you to tell your husband that He considers self-pride to be an unrighteousness act, because He wants folks to surrender their whole selves to Him, to be used for righteous purposes." See> (James 4:6-7)13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
"I believe God wants you to guide your husband into another chapter of his life. God has a plan for everyone, and by Jesus's persuading you, I think God's seeking Derek for something." ‘Really pastor, Ann said, Derek doesn’t want to give himself to God because he loves himself too much to give up his own pride. Have I told you things have been much worse between my husband and I over this past year? He doesn’t even want me to go to church or believe in God anymore. All this is affecting our marriage, our friendship we once shared together. Pastor you know I love him and want him to come to Jesus. Why won’t he love and accept God, why pastor"? Pastor Rails told Ann, "This time will be different because this time, God wants Derek to fulfill His plan for him, and God always pursues what He wants, and after all Ann, I believe God did tell us, it’s time."
That afternoon, Ann prayed on the way home seeking help on how she was supposed to pull this one off. To be honest this was the first Ann was completely baffled on how to go about this big request from God. She knew she could never pull it off without Jesus. See> (Matthew 19:26) 26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible... When she arrived home, she noticed a small amount of smoke coming from Derek’s small wood shop, where he worked part time making furniture for his clients. She gasped when the devil told her it was too late. but she rebuked him, and he left right away. She called 911 as she ran towards the shop. There she found him, the sleeve of his shirt had been caught in the table saw and somehow pulled his arm, cutting it into the blade. The smoke wasn’t from a fire but rather from where Derek’s blood had been burning from the saw blade. She went to him; He’d passed out and was in panic mode as she pushed the bright red stop button. Moments later the paramedics came and did their thing. She followed them to the hospital and waited as the surgeon worked. She smiled when she saw the doctor cross his chest looking up to God, as he walked into the surgery room. She heard Jesus well familiar voice whisper in her ear. “It’s time.’
When Ann could see her husband, he told her "I was hopeless, I couldn't reach the stop button. I gave in dear, I gave in." "What do you mean" asked Ann? "I asked your God to help me. I begged Him like a child, pleading for Him to send me an angel to push the stop button. I promised Him I would go to church and believe in Him. I told Him I always have, but I’ve been too stubborn to give myself to Him the way you have dear. I’ve been jealous of you sweetheart. Please dear will you help me keep my promise to God?"
My final thoughts
The phone rang five years after Derek surrendered his whole being to who he now referred to as being his Father God. Derek was dedicated to doing whatever it took to live his new life with Christ, lifting his Father God with the pride he once selfishly gave himself, for the first 35 years of his life. Together all three of them, God, Derek, and his wife Ann performed righteous works giving all the glory to God. Now five years later, Derek often wondered what God needed him for five years ago. Personally, I believe all God wanted was for the three of them to be together like Ann’s parents were, all three of them together. The phone rang now five years after Derek surrendered his whole being, so, he would be able to perform his new life with Christ in righteousness, and proudly serving his Father God.
Ann answered the phone and nearly turned pale when she heard a voice tell her. ‘It’s time.' No sooner than she had hung up, the phone rang this time Derek answers it. It was Ann’s father. After Ann heard a few yes’s and maybe’s, Derek handed her the phone saying. ‘It's time honey. Your dads retiring and would like us to run the homeless ministries. Ann looked into her husband's eyes and said "You’re right Baby. It’s time for us, all three of us to work together serving God, and our homeless American’s."
Let us all pray together
Lord, we live to serve you, every one of us was created for a reason. We ask you to show those of us who want to serve you, what and how we can serve you. In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.
Rev James Erick

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