Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4~2Day’s Inspirational Lesson August 8th, 2019
Studied with the King James Bible


God uses many Christians to acquire the things He needs to be fulfilled according with His plan for each of us individually. God does this by knowing each one of our hearts individually. He knows how strong His children’s faith is which carries a great deal of significance on what God's plan for them will be. God knows how active His Spirit is inside them. He knows if their spirit is cold, lukewarm, warm, almost hot or hot. And then there’s those few and far between super-hot Christians. Jesus tells us if we believe in Him that anything He has done we can do, and for some they will even do greater things than Him. see> (John 14:12)12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Verse all this that I do, you will do.

Wow, isn’t this awesome folks? This is truly awesome to know that we can do anything for God depending on our faith. When I learned that It made my heart hunger for more of God's word. And the more I learned the stronger my faith grew, and the knowledge I received that God required from me, so I can go all out with my personal goal of reaching a more dedicated Christians status. Why? Because I desire to glorify Christ and his Father with my good works and actions. This has taken a great commitment from my heart that Satan has constantly been attacking, from the moment I dedicated my life to sharing the Holy Scriptures.

My Final thoughts
Did Satan frighten me folks? Yes, he did until I learned about my Father God's promise to stay with me wherever I go, thus protecting me and fighting Satan for me. And now I am at peace, and able to continue doing my Father God's work without fear. See> (Joshua 1:9) 9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whitherso-ever thou goes.

I know It will be hard for me to succeed with my goal of becoming a more dedicated Christian, who can heal folks or do other miraculous things. But I know they exist, for my own eyes have seen one of God's most dedicated Christians in action. It was during an alter call when I was a young man living life, but I knew the situation was real and I still believe it today. So, folks read God's word and feed your soul, if you want to please our Father God to the best of your God given ability. Just know if you're committed to serving God, you will have no limits in your heart, because your Father God is with you and your heart will be dedicated to being one of God's mighty servants. I know I’m not as dedicated as I could be as a Christian today, but I also know my Father God is well pleased with my status, and of desiring to be a more dedicated Christian. God knows my heart and He knows I’m trying, and I will keep going for the Lord. Well let’s just say that’s an awesome thing for this old Reverend to do, amen.

Let us pray together.
Dear lord, with you we know we'll have no limits, and we are faithful and can handle anything you need us to take care of in your plan for each of us individually. Lord we pray and we thank you this morning, for your knowledge and power. In your name Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Rev James Erick