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God’s News 42Days’ Daily Inspirational August 23rd, 2019 Studied with the King James Bible

(Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

 Mr. Smith lived his life putting God in control, He’d failed several times at trying to be in control of his own life only to come face to face with continued failures.
After Smith’s first ‘long’ five years of adulthood he was still searching for who he was. That's when he met a young beautiful woman named Liza after church service, through short conversation they found they shared a lot in common and the most important one for them was their faith in Jesus and their desire to serve Him, amen. They fell in love that was given to them by none other than their God, they trusted God and believed in His word that told them to trust in Him and you would never forsake them. See> (Psalm 9:10) 10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
They got married a year later. God blessed the with a beautiful family and grandchildren. Mr. Smith trusted God, they became one and God did provide them with all their needs. See> (1 John 5:14) 14 And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.
God saw Mr. Smith's faith and love for Him strong and his dedication to serve Him. Every night Smith would thank God for the good and the bad, then thanked him for the new day coming for him to serve Him. Mr. Smith was proud to call himself a Christian Soldier ready to fight with the full armor of God. and so, he served him, and God blessed his family. Time flew by, their children grew up and started their own families continuing living under God's rule.
Riza oldest daughter passed away suddenly and the children's father was nowhere to be found so the Smith’s got temporary custody of their grandbabies. Now at age 39 Smith considered himself to be a young grandfather, He thanked God for bringing His grandchildren under his Care and asked God to protect his new family and to help him provide these children their needs.
There life was as perfect as perfect can be, they went to church to worship God and have fellowship among other Christian brothers and sisters.
We all lost Mr. Smith on that dreadful day his family died. I remember his pain as if it was mine because I wept with him, I remember his faithfulness and determination he was to keep his commitment to God to make sure strangers knew who Jesus Christ was, why He came down to earth, and why he died and that they can be saved through Jesus Christ. Yes, folk's I can honestly say that I’ve never met another man who had the dedication to serve his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in the way Mr. Smith had committed his life.
Then one day the tragedy with his family, and his belief that God is always in control shattered his mind with confusion. And disbelief. They pain of death pushed him over the edge, Manley because it didn't make sense to him. It just didn't add up for him so ever since that day he’s blamed God for taking his family and life away because He always let God be in control "God was in control.
Mr. Smith stopped going to church and Pastor Ron told us that Mr. Smith wished for me to announce that he had denounced Christ and blamed His Father God for his family’s sudden death.
Now Years later our paths crossed again when we met each other in line at the post office. During our short conversation in line Mr. Smith came straight out and asked me how could He do it? How could God be so cruel to me? You know I was a good person, I followed God’s direction and my family was blessed. I didn’t deserve this to happen. I didn’t have the answers Smith sought after, so I told him to ask God.
After his quick replied saying God hasn’t listened to him since he'd called Him out for taking his family, for taking who he was, a dedicated grandfather. then in a whimpered voice He said these words, " don’t you see brother? I was so angry with God, blaming Him for hurting me. but I was wrong brother, don’t you see I made a mistake in blaming God because I trusted in Him to protect family and God failed me after I've dedicated my life to Him.
Mr. Smith was breaking apart before my very eyes I knew I had to do something, this poor man has been living with the worst guilt a person could have, the guilt of falsely blaming God because He couldn't understand why they died. I stepped closer to Mr. smith told him to go to his quiet place at home and seek God again. I told him that he is still that Christian soldier and God needed him to come back to Him. I told Smith to explain to God how his heart was feeling that day he called Him out and then tell Him how his heart feels today. and how ashamed he feels. Then I Reminded him to be sincere and honest because God already knows how your heart feels thinks.
My final thoughts.
The next time I saw Mr. Smith was that next Sunday dressed in his nice close standing at the door he used to. Pinned on his shirt was his name tag that read Mr. Smith deacon. Amen
Folks I believe death is the most awful thing one must face and if we are not careful, we could all end up in a lonely world of grief such as Mr. Smith had dealt with. therefore, God tells us not to be ignorant concerning those who have died and to know in his heart that Jesus died and rose again so those who die and go be with him in heaven, amen. See> (1Thess 4:13-14) 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
Let us pray
This morning I pray that all of us remember that God is true to His words written. He leaves it up to our free will to believe and trust in Him or not to believe and be with Satan for all eternity. God bless us all this morning. Amen

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