Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Days Daily Inspirational. Written by Rev James Erick.
Sept 11th, 2019 Studied with the King James Bible
There was a little old preacher man who folks would find preaching every morning under the jetties in Fort Lauderdale Florida. He was a fired up old preacher man who spoke directly to those who were making wrong choices. Speaking only the truth in God's word in such a way, all who had gathered could understand what God was saying. But after they left the old man’s sermons most of them failed to listen. They kept on making choices that led their souls to be thrown into a lake of fire.
There, their tormented souls looked beyond the gates to hell. Where they saw that old preacher man standing there, shielded by God’s mighty warriors. They could hear him crying out to them, “Why? Why couldn’t you all have listened to the truth?”  I told you how to live and receive everlasting life. I told you about Hell and My Father's will that all mankind goes to Heaven.
But it was too late for them, now in their torment, their souls remember every time that old preacher man preached. See> (Mark 9:46-49) 46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: 48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.
We are blessed to be saved by God’s grace; and that our souls won’t be tormented for all eternity. We were wise to listen to that little old preacher man, whomever he may have been in our lives.
My final thoughts
I know it’s not easy to live a godly dedicated life that other folks mock and persecute us for, living and believing the truths in God’s word, that God’s little old preacher man spoke about. God needs all of us to give Him, and ourselves a 100% wholeheartedly effort to living our lives for Christ. If we don’t, well let’s just say our eternity would be unpleasantly HOT.
So, my choice is “God now, and a life ever after in my room my Lord Jesus Christ has picked out in my Father God’s mansion.”
Let us all pray
Dear Lord Jesus, we pray for folks to listen to your old preacher man when he steps into their lives. Let them hear our Father God’s message of salvation. Let them follow your direction and guidance Lord. And if one of us can help them Lord, please send us to them or them to us. So that through you and our Father God’s grace we can help them to make the right decisions leading them to salvation. In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.
Rev James Erick