Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 243 of 621 in Wall Photos

Bill Sharpe

All or most of these members in the Democratic Party, are agents of a foreign government, their sole purpose as members of the Bar Association was to go into the Judicial and legislative Branches of government and to overthrow it From within, putting the legislative branch of government under control of the judiciary branch of government, violating our guaranteed constitutional republic Form of government under the Constitution, we have three branches of government executive legislative and judicial,

The judicial branch of government is the deep state and has been captured by the bar agents working for a foreign government! They have in many states captured the legislative branch of government, you can see this in California, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota, and Illinois. Also other states are battleground states trying to save their constitutional republic as you read this.

Pres. Trump fully knows and understands what is taking place and that's why they are coming after him to stop him, because he wants to return the rule of law and the foundation of this nation back to the people.

The American Bar Association is the judicial Mafia trying to overthrow the other branch of government the legislative branch, their intent is to bankrupt America, and to bankrupt America you must bankrupt the citizens,and this is why they love taxes and growing government and wasting money, because they want to bankrupt us, because we the people WE are America!