Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Days Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
September 16, 2019. Studied with the King James Bible
Donald Yeti’s wife waited patiently for the emergency room E R doctor’s diagnosis; all she knew was that her husband suffered a stroke. Not knowing how serious his stroke was or wasn't and that her husband left God many years ago caused her concern about where her husband would spend eternity. So, she contacted her sisters from church for support and they called their brothers and sister prayer warriors to meat at the hospital to pray for God to find and remind her husband He wants to be his Father God. See> (Acts 16:31) 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Within no time a few of them met up in the waiting room. They formed a circle and began praying in the Spirit unashamed while others pointed fingers, mocking them for their faith in God.
While Donald’s wife and friends were praying, Donald woke up in the emergency room trying to recall why he'd arrived there. A sharp pain in his chest instantly reminded him as he realized he'd lived over seventy percent of his life. He'd always thought this day would never come because it was so many years away. But then the years appeared to start rolling, passing by at an alarming rate of time, as if weeks had become days and months were weeks. He was scared to die because he knows who God is and what measures were required by God for him to become the child of God he once was. Refer to (John 3:15-18). That's right folks, Mr. yeti knew God but like many of us he continually put it off for another day. He was too busy with his own life, his family, friends and everything else except God. A and strange feeling came upon Donald. The feeling felt similar but this time a much stronger feeling than he had felt during the few times he'd gone to church. He knew he was feeling The Holy Spirit because he’d felt it many years ago when he accepted Christ into his life as his Lord and Savior. He just never found the time to keep his commitment to serve God or even think about honoring His will and laws.
Sudden Severe pain came upon him, as he started to fade out from the pain, he heard God speak to him. See> John 10:27) 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Mr. Yeti heard God tell him, ‘it’s not too late, let me be your Father God. Come back to me Donald, your wife asked me to save you, but you must come back to me.' Donald was in no position to talk but managed to pray through thought and asked God to come back into his life. God responded back telling him, 'Donald, I never left you. I've always been with you.
You left me Donald, now you've asked for me and like I've told you, I never left you. I accept your heart’s desire and your faith. So, I bless you with my grace and I welcome you back to your family. You are my son and you may call me your Father God.' Then Donald fell out, never to return to his life on earth. Leaving his wife and three grown children along with nine grandchildren.
My final thoughts.
When the doctor told his wife he’d passed away, Mrs. Yeti wondered if her husband reached out to his Father God before he passed on. Her faith assured her He had and then she heard her Father God say something that allowed her heart, mind, and soul would be assured her husband had found his Father God once again. The words she heard was, "He is with me, I am his Father and he is my son." See> (John 1:12) 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Let us all pray
Lord, we come this morning on behalf of those of us who are putting their salvation in jeopardy by putting their own lives before our Father God’s will. Let them know you’re a loving God who wants to become their Father God. May they find you Lord, don’t let them wait until the last moment for that moment may not come. They may not have the opportunity that Mr. Yeti had due to the faith of his wife. Please Lord, help those who don’t know you find a way to get to know you before it’s too late. In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.
Rev James Erick