Trudy Leblanc's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 14 of 26 in Wall Photos

✞ "BELIEVING" IS NOT Just All That You Have To Do To Be Saved… is all that you CAN do to be saved.
The Bible says the sole condition for salvation is ‘faith’ that Jesus died a substitutionary death on the cross for our sins and rose bodily from the tomb for our justification. 1Cor.15:1-4; Rom 4:25; 1Thess.4:14
We know the bible teaches no act of obedience, preceding or following faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, such as commitment to obey, sorrow for sin, turning from one's sin, baptism or submission to the Lordship of Christ, may be added to’ or considered part of FAITH as a condition for receiving everlasting life
If someone were to says a believer would go to hell for sinning, then he would also be saying a believer must NOT sin in order to go to heaven--therefore he is being saved by what ‘’he does’’, NOT by what Jesus did on the cross and resurrection!
And the Bible is clear: "Not by works"! (Eph. 2:8-9). We obey God because His LOVE compels us to, and not FEAR of hell.
2 Corinthians 5:14
" For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died;"
1 Thess.4:14
14. For "if" we "believe" that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep(died) in Jesus will God bring with him.
Do YOU believe salvation may only be received by faith in the salvation instructions Jesus personally gave to Apostle Paul to deliver to us? Gal.1.11,12.
Jesus instructions for our salvation during this age of grace is to have faith in him, trusting he died to pay for your sins and rose from the tomb to save you. 1Cor.15,1-3, Rom.4.25, 1Thess.4.14.