Charlie Massey's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 115 of 117 in Wall Photos

Let's see. I reread the impeachment part of the Constitution recently. Its purpose in to get rid of a sitting president. That means, he sits in the Oval Office, where the person who is serving as Chief Executive sits to do his work. But i thought a guy named Jo Biden has been the official, sitting president who sits behind that big desk, since Jan. 20. They must have the wrong name in the "to be impeached" documents, because the way the Constitution reads only the current president can be impeached. Sorta confusing, to me at least. Hmmmm, Mr Trump is already a former president. O by the way, do you remember about a year ago when the Speaker of the House destroyed the dignity of her position by tearing up her copy pf the President's speech right on camera? Actions speak louder than words, and a second so called impeachment. is like shooting a dead man just to demonstrate one's hatred. BIDEN IS THE ONLY SITTING PRESIDENT SO ARE DUMB-o-c-RATS IMPEACHING THEIR OWN SITTING PRESIDENT.

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