Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 817 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

Whispering winds
Speaking Your Word
In the breeze
Truth can be heard

For You created winds
You created the earth
The stars, the oceans
You caused their birth

Nature glorifies You
By keeping Your Way
The winds and the birds
Keep the commands You say

And what about me?
What about the life I live?
Do I glorify You
Adhering to laws You give?

May my heart ever be
One with Your Word
May my song be one
With the wind and bird

May I search Your Truth
May I follow Your Way
May I cling to Christ
All this I do pray

May my voice lift high
With my heart as I sing
It is the LORD who creates
And good gifts He does bring

The winds do not worry
The birds do not toil
The flowers do not struggle
Breaking forth from the soil

This life of ease
Of beauty and of peace
This is life we experience
When to You all we release

For the Life of Eden
Awaits us this moment now
Sweet fellowship with You
Children in Christ You allow

Walking closely with you
In the Garden each day
I experience Your Presence
As I sing and as I pray

My God is my Father
My best Friend too
He fills my heart with love
And reveals all that is true

I raise my arms then
And lift my voice in song
With the flowers and the birds
Yes, this is where I belong

We join to sing praises
To our God on High
His treasures He shares
And His heart to us is nigh

Yes, the whispering winds
Speak Your precious Word
And in the gentle breezes
Your Truth can be heard

Matthew 6:28
"And why do you worry about clothes?
See how the lilies of the field grow.
They do not labor or spin."