Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 869 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

Sweet little child,
Come in My arms to rest,
Come here to feel joy,
Come here to be blessed,

Come here to feel
My heart beating for you
With a love sweet, love rich,
Love pure, love true.

Rest here and know
That you are mine,
That forever I hold you
With mercy divine.

So why do you fear?
Why do you cry?
Why do you quaver?
Why do you sigh?

I cradle you here
In My arms with care,
I kiss away your worries,
Your every tear,

I whisper to you
Promises precious and bright,
I light up the stars
To shine in your night,

I carry you to Heaven
On a purposeful way,
With a sun beaming brighter
Each passing day.

So, little one,
Let your smile shine
Knowing you are loved
With a love divine,

Let your heart beat
With love rich and true
As you feel My love
Beat forever for you,

And celebrate the truth
You are immeasurably blessed...
O, yes, little one,
Stay here in My arms to rest!

Matthew 11:29
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls."

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