Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 923 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

More like You, Lord,
Please do make me,
More like You
In all I am and will be.

More tender, more loving,
More forgiving and mild,
More faithful and simple
As a young carefree child,

Stronger and sweeter,
Purer and more true,
Lord Jesus, this is my prayer,
Make me more like You.

Holier and happier,
More joyful and more free,
With my every heartbeat
A note of symphony.

Yes, more like You,
This is my strong desire;
May Your Spirit burn in me
As an eternal fire.

Let Your will and mine
Be one and the same
That I may bring glory
To Your Holy Name.

May Your Sonlight
In my being ever shine,
That I may reflect Your love
Pure and divine.

Dwell in my heart
Now and forevermore;
I long to be like You, Jesus,
For You I adore.

Yes, this is my longing
Today and all eternity,
So more like You, Lord,
Please do make me.

© Caroline Gavin
Purposeful Pathway


Ephesians 5:1-2
Be imitators of God, therefore,
as dearly loved children and
live a life of love, just as
Christ loved us and gave himself
up for us as a fragrant offering
and sacrifice to God.