Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 323 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

Looking at Jesus
All He is, All He does
I strive to imitate
His grace, His mercy, His love

So far from His perfection
So far from it I stand
So how can I move forward?
And approach the Holy Land?

The Lord reaches my hand
And gently reminds me
Begin where you are
From right here, you see

He knows we are weak
Only dust after all
He knows our frailty
That we are subject to fall

Yet encourage us He does
To walk in His ways
To disentangle us all
From the world’s miry maze

Move forward, He says
And stay by My side
Start from where you are
And in My Love abide

He is the Compass, the Map
And the Eternal Guide
Each of us must choose
To beside Him daily stride

Praise to my Father
The God who rules the earth
Praise to Him who loved me
Well before my birth

Lead us He will
And meet us where we are
He is the Light to our paths
Our shining Morning Star

Let us take the first step
And many, many more
And walk with our Lord
To heavenly treasures in store


Looking unto Jesus the author
and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set
before him endured the cross,
despising the shame,
and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)

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