Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 1,029 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

When my heart is heavy,
When the day is gray,
When the clouds hover
On a dark stormy day,

When challenges face,
When trials are near,
When I feel in my heart
A sense of fear,

I call on Your Name,
And to me You run,
Your face more radiant
Than the midday sun.

You lift me up,
You hold me tenderly,
You remind I am Yours
For all eternity,

What have you to worry,
My child, My friend?
Remember My love for you
Has no end.

It matters not
If it does rain or shine,
You are always in My care
Perfect and divine.

So let Me wipe your tears,
Let me hold you near,
To My heart forever
I hold you dear.

No challenge, no storm,
Can stop My love for you;
I love you always,
Know this to be true.

1 Peter 5:10 (KJV)
But the God of all grace,
who hath called us unto his
eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
after that ye have suffered a while,
make you perfect, stablish,
strengthen, settle you.