Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 336 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

"America, the Beautiful". . . .
the land of the brave, and the free.
But, where and how,
without the courage of our soldiers,
would be peace and liberty,
for me?

They travel, so very far away,
from home, from family,
and they are missed, by one and all,
as we pray fervently.

We lift them up to our Father on High,
to the One Who founded our great land;
And we ask that He send forth mighty angels,
to guard and keep each one,
by the power of His righteous right hand.

This war may not be accepted
by all,
on either side,
But, these, our soldiers, belong to us,
and make our hearts swell with pride.

With all the differences of opinion,
the controversies which seem to grow;
Still yet, in the middle of the battle,
a soldier's heart truly knows.

That they've been called by their country,
to fight for other people,
who do not seem to understand,
that freedom comes not,
without a high price,
for a nation,
whose Hope,
is to live in a blessed land.

So, Father, we commit to You,
this journey, and all the soldiers who fight and war,
for one and all,
and we ask, Father, that You truly bless them,
encourage them,
and bring them back home safely,
standing straight,
and standing tall.

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