Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 1,086 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

In the soft hours of morning,
I breathe in the crisp air;
Though Summer is in full bloom,
I feel Autumn is near.

The shift of the seasons
Surely approaches now;
The months faithfully follow
As our Lord God does allow.

Yea, faithful are the seasons
To the Lord’s perfect plan;
Faithful are the seasons,
Yet how faithful is man?

As a day surely ends
At its twenty-fourth hour,
So too do I yield
To God’s timing and power?

In the dawn of morning
Rises surely the glowing sun;
So too am I faithful
To God, the Eternal One?

The days continually march
In weeks ordered of seven;
Faithfully then do I march
To pearly gates of Heaven?

As Summer loses her warmth
To make way for Fall,
So too do I die to self to make
Jesus King of all?

Yea, as the faithful seasons,
So too may we glorify You;
We yield to Your plan, O Lord,
You are the Reason for all we do.


Caroline Gavin ©Sept 2012
Purposeful Pathway

He made the moon to mark the seasons;
the sun knows its time for setting.
Psalm 104:19

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