Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 1,285 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

If you are a member or a shooter that actually trains then I would like to hear from you.

What training courses would you like see us offer in 2019?

If you have a group and would like private training or someone that wants to jump in on a 1 day course, just let me know.

Take a look at our course:

-Would you like more Covert Carry Training?

-Do you need a rifle refresher?

-Do you want all Force on Force?

Our 2 day course schedule set until July. So check that out as well.

Note: We can customize courses.

Always research your Instructors:
-Scott’s Bio

-Independent site ratings for instructors

#tsr #arizona #ccw #infidelbodyarmor #D3llc #handgun #defense #Texas #Indiana #safehavendefense
#rifle #ar15 #carbine #glock #libertyarms #vcat #hait #training #leo #guns #shoot