Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

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Pelosi and Schumer see the crisis as the shutdown. Political as a Schumer news conference demonstrated, when he surrounded himself with photos of government workers not receiving paychecks. Political as Pelosi claims there will not be enough security to protect congress and wants to cancel the President’s State of the Union address. For President Trump the crisis is not about the shutdown and what might happen, it is about what happened in the past, and what will be guaranteed to happen in the future if we don’t drastically improve our southern border security. More unneeded deaths and harm.
Ask the Angel moms who after this shutdown ends, unlike the government workers, will still never see their loved ones. Or how about all those parents across America who have lost their loved ones to drug addiction, not only those they lost, but whose children are still living the nightmare of addiction?
Immigration abuse on our border is due to two things.
One, we are a generous nation with laws, but our laws are weak, not well thought out, and well meaning attorneys find ways to help immigrants to stay in our great country, despite the immigrant illegally entering.
Thus the flood of immigrants seeking a better life.
Two, south of our border through Central America to South America, many countries are unstable and at the core of the instability is a struggle between the drug cartels and governments. Life in many countries is very hard as Venezuela’s economic and humanitarian crisis exposes. Recently Venezuela’s healthcare system collapsed, and sick people finally fled their country, the final straw after surviving the lack of food and money. The United States Navy ship Comfort just came back off the coast of Central America after treating thousands of sick Central Americans who had fled.

So why is all of this suddenly a crisis now? Democrats seem to think the crisis is manufactured. It is not. It has simply been ignored.
There is a struggle of evil versus good going on, and the democrats only see it as an American political battle. They even refuse to deal with the president who has the facts, and is attempting to act.
For example, our government is interdicting more drugs than ever before. Our Coast Guard interdicted 226 tons of cocaine last year. Value at 6 billion and yet the cartels still flourish and American Drug Deaths continue to rise. The magnet? Lots of rich American kids, compared to the rest of the world, willing to pay extreme amounts for their addiction,
How bad is the corruption just south of the border caused by the drug cartels and the thirst for American dollars? Just yesterday in the “El Chapo” trial, it was alleged in sworn testimony that the president of Mexico received a 100 million dollar bribe, lower than the 250 million he “asked” for. And remember, in the past Mexican election, over 100 politicians or those seeking office were killed, allegedly by the drug cartels, or those doing their bidding. In other words, the cartels are creating political havoc seeking access to their”American” business venture of selling drugs.
Tie that in with the recent arrest of the brother of the current Honduran President in Miami on drug trafficking and weapons charges, the same country where the immigrant caravans appear to start from. The instability of the entire region south of our border is a huge problem. In a crisis mode.
So why do we allow this situation to continue on our southern border? It is easy to see that the drug cartels are making so much money off of America, that they are going to extremes to control the political climate through political payoffs and means to maintain our current immigration loopholes and security. All in an effort to get their human resources, gang members and others, in place to spread their drugs, “their economic wealth” (and death), to all of America at our great countries expense, mainly the lives of young Americans.

Normally you could give a Trump ten minutes with a Pelosi or Schumer, or give an angel mom ten minutes, or give a parent with a drug addicted child ten minutes, and they could point out the flaws, yet Pelosi and Schumer do not listen, comprehend, never mind, reason.
Pelosi and Schumer and the far left progressives simply have too much political tunnel vision. Their worry about their own political power which they are diminishing daily as the continue to resist common sense.
We have an urgent crisis a President is risking his political career on because it is the right thing to do. Refreshing.

Every American should support President Trump’s sincere effort to make America safer.