Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 661 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

Surrender all
To You, Lord, I do;
Yes, I surrender all,
My Jesus, to You,

Everything I offer
To You, my King,
I offer to You wholeheartedly
My everything:

Take my victories,
Take also my trials,
Take my tears,
Take also my smiles,

Take all I am,
Take all I will be,
Take me into Your arms
For all eternity..

How can I not
Surrender my all,
When so vast is Your love,
So deep, so tall?

When Your blood
For me did lovingly pour?
When You give all I need,
Indeed even more?

Every day I choose
For You to live;
Every day I choose
My all to give.

I walk with You
In tears, in smiles,
I cling to You
In triumphs, in trials,

I offer to You
All I am, my everything,
While of Your Name
I joyfully sing..

Yes, surrender all
To You, Lord, I do;
I surrender all,
My Jesus, forever to You!

Romans 12:1
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers,
by the mercies of God, to present your bodies
as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship."

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