Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2,037 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

It's official. We are suing certain social media outlets for censorship. Joint IPAK/First Freedoms initiative. We have a lawyer. We have advisors. Here's what you can do to help - start writing LETTERS to me telling your stories of censoship.
Include dates if you can of the events, and send them both via snailmail to Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD c/o IPAK, 2912 Kilcairn Lane Allison Park, PA. Include print-outs of the evidence that you were censored (screenshots) Also send a copy of the letter me at with the subject line CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT #Censorship2019 DO NOT SEND DONATIONS TO ME, instead, make a donation to FIRST FREEDOMS #WEWILLNOTBESILENCED YOUR DONATION WILL GO TO First Freedoms Kevin Barry and IPAK will fund the legal team and support advocacy for YOUR RIGHTS.