Penny Hodgins's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 731 of 2,701 in Wall Photos

The glorious Dawn of an Everlasting Life
On earth a beginning of a Renewed Life
For the followers of CHRIST "New Hope" is born
"CHRIST is Risen" their cry on this happy morn

Easter was on the first day of the week
Life's Passover from sins now made free
This day the disciples believed in Christ the Lord
Acknowledged Him "SON with the FATHER"... One GOD

At last we are free from sins and reconciled with GOD
With prayer and devotion worship CHRIST our Lord
CHRIST is risen today! Accomplishing Salvation for all
With joy and grateful hearts let us respond to His call

We now adore and worship a Loving and Living God
Almighty and Merciful and ever Compassionate God
Let us not be dead now in our Faith and Belief
Arise with Risen CHRIST and turn over a new leaf

We Christians world over celebrate Easter today
Reaffirming our Faith in the Risen CHRIST today
CHRIST lives to reign and rule our lives and hearts
To be with Him when from this world we depart.

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