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via Ronny Ramirez: WE CAN'T LET THEM WIN!!

Today’s liberal logic lesson boys and girls is on history. After yesterday’s disgusting display by liberal hate anti American nazis many Americans, dismayed, began to ask,
How did we get to this point?
Yesterday, an American said, My people are hurting, grieving, mourning. I will go to these American cities and comfort my fellow Americans in any way I can.
And radical anti social liberal hate said NO.
You, an American, are not welcome on American soil to grieve with fellow Americans.
How did this ideology of hate begin?
How was it born.
I will tell you my friends.
Quote. And together we will fundamentally change the fabric of this nation.
End quote.
It was precisely then, at that exact moment when this divisiveness began.
Americans everywhere, many of which had never really paid attention before heard that and said, What? What did he just say?
Change what? The United States of America is the greatest nation in the history of the world. The most prosperous, most FREE, most culturally diverse nation the world has ever known. What the hell is he planning to change?
Then began the apology tour.
Japan. We’re sorry we bombed you.
What is he talking about? They attacked us first!!!!
Germany. We’re sorry for the devastation we caused you.
What the F’ck!!!!!! We eradicated the greatest evil the world has ever seen.
Tell Vladimir I’ll have more leverage after the election.
What was that? What are you leveraging?
But, It got worse. Iran. You hate America. Death to America. Here’s a plane load of cash to help you achieve your objective.
Add to that the attacks on our own citizens.
Americans clinging to the guns and Bibles.
Lest you Christians not get on your high horse.
The police acted foolishly.
If you like your plan you can keep it.
Americans began to see this fundamental change.
Oh hell no.
Why aren’t our elected officials stopping this? Are they not Americans?
Where are the republicans?
It was clear. DC was all one club. One radical movement. One ideology. The motivation?
Control. Absolute power and control.
Americans said no way.
We brought in an outsider. Someone not only outside the beltway, but already successful. Someone who didn’t need to feather his nest with taxpayer money. Someone out of the powers that be’s price range.
President Donald J Trump.
Hate, realizing they had lost their grip on America. Lost their control, derived an attack plan.
He colluded with the Russians.
He’s a racist. A bigot. Islamaphobe.
We need his tax returns.
Americans didn’t buy in.
Didn’t fall for the plan. The lie.
Liberal hate grew, and grows more desperate every day. Tax breaks, deregulation, less government intrusion, free market, free choice.
He’s giving away our control.
He must be stopped.
In essence, America must be stopped.
No. We will not be stopped. We will not be controlled.
What we saw yesterday is a clear illustration of who they are and what their agenda is.
We can’t let them win...