Betty JO's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 61 of 156 in Wall Photos

Share this around........And "they" want us to believe these thugs are just local citizens united in protests? Carla Higdon-Swanger wrote complete with the photos below (click the photo for a close up view·)
"So today my husband and I were trying to find a truck stop to park at since we'll be in Miami until Wednesday. So found one in Ft. Lauderdale. So I purposely stay away from all the riots etc. Well today found ourselves face to face with craziness. Now you wonder where they're hiding all their buses that they are moving around Black Llives matter and Antifa? They even have armed guards watching them. We decided to leave immediately. 595 truck stop here you go!!!! This place was the most unwelcoming place that we've been to.

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